My mission with Soulsound is to help make people more employable by teaching things that often are impossible in the classroom, to give young engineers examples of success to aspire to, and to help jobbing engineers improve their skills. For me it’s all about getting people working, and showing them best practice and providing opportunities to improve themselves. I aim to support other forms of formal education by being a “library” of information from some of the best and most successful minds in sound engineering, and to provide “continued professional development” for engineers who have reached a plateau in their careers.
The website is a collection of video tutorials, master classes and inspiring interviews with our resident tutors and fantastic contributors from the industry. It is not a “course” as such, rather it is a resource centre for sound engineers to come to for advice and inspiration. We have an open question box where you can ask us anything you like about audio engineering or career advice, and you can respond to videos too. We will use your questions to ask directly to our tutors, or to inform how we film the next topic. We are also very open to suggestions on what you need us to film, and what topics you want discussed.
We want to inspire people to excellence. There is too much mediocrity in the world today.
We also have a fantastic twitter feed with excellent articles and audio-related content. We don’t tell you what we had for breakfast (unless it’s Justin’s liquid roadie breakfast…!)
The core team of tutors are Justin Grealy, Jon Burton and Marcel van Limbeek. Justin has been in rock and roll for over thirty years, and if you name a band he’s toured with them at some point in his career, in some capacity, usually FOH or monitors. He is equally comfortable at both ends of the multicore and has one of those insatiable brains that simply MUST KNOW how everything works. Consequently, he does! He knows more about audio than most of us know there is to know.
Jon Burton is currently (and has been for years) FOH for Prodigy and Bombay Bicycle Club and is known in particular for his love of sub! He also owns a studio The Laundry Rooms in Sheffield. He is highly respected in the industry and is a regular contributor to Sound on Sound.
Marcel has spent the best part of 20 years working with Tori Amos, both as her studio engineer and her touring monitor engineer. Marcel is particularly good at explaining theory – just watch his Drum Recording Techniques Masterclass! Not only will you learn about recording techniques, but also many of your confusions about phase will be cleared up along the way.
My role is the overall project leader, and specialise in career advice and how to “be” a sound engineer.
Other members of the team include the wonderful boys from Sound You Can See. They film and edit all the content, Shiny Details who created the website and the lovely Emma Hammond who does all our social media.
We have had a huge amount of support and help from the industry, in particular Funktion One, Shure, DPA, Sound Network, PLASA, Thames Audio and Encore. We have also teamed up with SSR London to produce the Vocal Compression Webinar and have been lucky enough to film in their Neve Studio.
Soulsound is not a course. It is a Resource Centre concentrating on improving employability, not just teaching techniques (although we do that too, of course!) This means we talk a lot about attitude and approach as well as skills. Too many university and college courses do little or nothing to help people into work after they finish and provide no networking opportunities or advice on how to go about finding work. We hope to fill that gap!
As a Premium Member, you will receive my eBook “Getting a Foot in the Door” for free, and can watch all the content without limits. Free Members get the eBook and access to all the free content. There are Monthly and Annual membership options (Annual is the best deal!) as well as Daily and Weekly for those who just want to watch a particular video.
Join our family of audiophiles!