In Ear Monitors – Getting It Right
Justin discusses, in depth, In Ear Monitoring from the Monitor Engineer’s perspective – it’s far more complex than you moight think!
Justin discusses, in depth, In Ear Monitoring from the Monitor Engineer’s perspective – it’s far more complex than you moight think!
Justin discusses the use of Drum Fills, Side Fills and In Ear Monitors
The monitor engineer is the interface between the artist and the technology – a panel of experienced monitor engineers discuss this and much more.
Wireless technology is widely used, so live sound engineers who understand RF are in big demand. This fantastic talk demystifies the subject.
Wireless technology is widely used, so live sound engineers who understand RF are in big demand. This fantastic talk demystifies the subject.
Wireless technology is widely used, so live sound engineers who understand RF are in big demand. This fantastic talk demystifies the subject.
Marcel van Limbeek answers your questions about audio engineering.