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Below you can find our free content that gives you a taste of what is available for members.
Enjoy excerpts from masterclasses, tutorials, interviews, studio tours and more.

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05. Broadcast Sound Engineers – Clocking

with Darryn de la Soul on 25th February 2020 in Interviews
Keith talks about clocking.

04. Broadcast Sound Engineers – Broadcast v Live Sound

with Darryn de la Soul on 25th February 2020 in Interviews
Although nothing at all works without sound, sound nevertheless takes a back seat compared to pictures.

03. Broadcast Sound Engineers – Getting Into Broadcast

with Darryn de la Soul on 25th February 2020 in Interviews
It’s not a straightforward path...

02. Broadcast Sound Engineers – How Sitcoms Are Recorded

with Darryn de la Soul on 25th February 2020 in Interviews
Recording shows with a live studio audience has its own challenges

01. Broadcast Sound Engineers

with Darryn de la Soul on 8th January 2020 in Interviews
Keith discusses the role of sound supervisor and others in the world of TV and Radio.

Sound Engineering for Broadcast

with Darryn de la Soul on 8th January 2020 in Interviews
Broadcast and Live Sound are remarkably different beasts.

Touring Monitors

with Arie van der PoelJustin Grealy on 27th August 2019 in Live Seminars
Keeping things small is a good idea when touring - but having your entire monitor system in a small rack and suitcase is a whole new level of small.

FOH for The Prodigy

with Jon Burton on 25th March 2019 in Tutorial
In memory of Keith Flint

Soulsound In The Sudan

with Justin Grealy on 2nd July 2018 in Interviews
Soulsound is reaching out beyond our own borders - as far afield as The Sudan.

Libertines at Best Kept Secret Festival

with Justin Grealy on 18th April 2018 in Roadie Postcards
Check out Justin Grealy's work space as monitor engineer for the Libertines at Best Kept Secret Festival in Holland.

In Ear Monitors – Getting It Right

with Justin Grealy on 14th July 2017 in Live Seminars
Justin discusses, in depth, In Ear Monitoring from the Monitor Engineer’s perspective - it's far more complex than you moight think!

Sound System Tuning without Measurement Software

with Nathan Lively on 7th July 2017 in Webinar
Nathan Lively from Sound Design Live presents this webinar on tuning your sound system without software.
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Getting a Foot in the Door

Getting a Foot in the Door

How to Make Your Way in the Live Sound Industry
eBook by Darryn de la Soul

Download eBook


Dr. Peter Lennox, University of Derby
“Excellent, down-to-earth, practical advice pitched bang on the target audience.”

Leah Brooker, Sound Engineer
“It really was a lightbulb moment and reading your story gave me the feeling of yes, I can and a much needed kick up the backside. You really are one inspirational lady!”

Breixo Giraldo
“It is undoubtedly the most useful user manual I’ve read in a long time”