In this video, Jon discusses the various good and bad points of some of the venues he has worked in over the years and how he has dealt with having to do concerts in many different situations from small clubs to major outdoor festivals.
03. Jon Answers: Jon’s Take On Venues
Other episodes
01. Jon Answers: Having The Right Attitude
Can you explain a bit about your attitude to working with the house guy in a venue ?
02. Jon Answers: Building A Career As A Sound Engineer
In this video, Jon talks about his early days sound engineering all those years ago and pays homage to his mentors
04. Jon Answers: How To Get That Bass Thump In The Chest
What is the best way to achieve that 'bass thump in the chest' with a smaller rig?
05. Jon Answers: Analogue v Digital
Jon explains why he still prefers to mix live shows on an analogue desk and why they are better teaching tools.
06. Jon Answers: Acoustics In Live Venues
The question is a general one about venue acoustics and why many venues make no attempt to address their acoustics.
07. Jon Answers: Making It Louder In The Milton Keynes Bowl
What is the most radical thing you’ve ever done in order to put on a show?